Having a mindful journal is a powerful tool that can help you gain clarity, build resilience, and improve your overall well-being. Get started today.

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  • The Power of Having a Mindful Journal: An Easy 7 Step Guide You Need To Know Right Now To Get You Started

February 13, 2023

In today's fast-paced world, finding peace and balance can be a challenge. But, with mindfulness and journaling, you can unlock a tool for self-discovery and growth. In this article, we'll delve into the advantages of mindful journaling, the steps to get started, and some tips for maximizing its benefits.

Defining Mindful Journaling

Mindful journaling is a practice that merges mindfulness with writing in a journal. It involves dedicating time daily to reflect on your thoughts, emotions, and experiences in a non-judgmental way. This enables you to gain a deeper understanding of your patterns of behavior and thought, and identify areas you'd like to change in your life.

A Glimmer of Hope

Willow was a government employee who used external substances to cope with her life. She knew this wasn't healthy, so she decided to take action. After some research, Willow found the best way forward would be to go see a therapist.

The therapist recommended mindful journaling as an effective way for Willow to work through her issues and find solace within herself rather than relying on external substances.

The Power of Having a Mindful Journal

Mindful journaling offers numerous benefits that can improve your life. Here are a few of the ways it can make a difference:

  • Clarity and Understanding: Regular reflection on your thoughts and emotions can bring clarity and understanding into your behavior and thought patterns. This can help you make more informed decisions and work towards a more fulfilling life.
  • Improved Mental Health: By providing a safe space to process your emotions and thoughts, mindful journaling can alleviate symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress, contributing to better mental health.
  • Reduced Stress: Studies have even found than writing down our thoughts for only 15 to 20 minutes a day helps lower blood pressure, improve liver functionality, and provide improved coping strategies.
  • Improved Immune Response: Keeping a journal can help strengthen immunity, fortify immune cells and even heal physical wounds. Writing down how you feel has been scientifically shown to decrease symptoms of asthma and rheumatoid arthritis as well improve liver & lung functionality, leading you to a better health all around.
  • Mood Booster: Journaling can be a powerful tool to increase your contentment and joy. By actively processing thoughts and feelings, it has been proven that committing the written word to paper can have overwhelmingly positive benefits on our mental health.
  • Increased Resilience: Confronting your challenges and emotions through journaling can enhance resilience and help you cope better with tough situations.
  • Better Sleep: Research has proven that writing down your thoughts, emotions and to-do list before bed can lead to a quicker sleep onset and deeper, more restful sleep.

Starting Your Mindful Journaling Journey

Starting a mindful journaling practice is straightforward and requires only a few simple steps:

  1. Select a Journal: Choose a journal that you love and feel comfortable writing in. This can vary in size, what type of binding, what type of texture. For example, do you find it easier to write in a journal with a spiral binding so you can bend the notebook backwards while working on one page? Do you like big notebooks so you have lots of space to write? Or do you like small journals so you can keep it within your pocket? Are you looking for a journal that has a tassel to keep track of the page you are on? Do you prefer digital journal and want to type out your thoughts, feelings or to-do list? Do you need a journal with a pre-written journal prompts, or do you need something plain? Do you want a journal with a date tracker on the top or do you feel you can keep track of the date?
  2. Determine Your Schedule: Decide on when you want to do mindful journaling, it could be in the morning, evening, or anytime that works for you and your daily schedule. Sometimes, people may find it easier to write in the morning, upon having their morning coffee or tea, and others may find it easier before bed. Or while their child is napping.
  3. Decide How Long You Want to Write For: So, you just decided when you want to do mindful journaling. How long you would like to block out is up to you, but general rule of thumb is to try to give yourself 5-10 minutes when first starting out. If you have the ability to block out longer, great! You know your schedule best.
  4. Block Out Your Calendar: After you decided on the length of time and what time of day for journaling, it is important to schedule this out on your calendar, or set reminders on your favorite app. No matter the process, if you see it blocked off on your calendar or set reminders it will give you that gentle push to go give yourself some self care time, dedicated just for you.
  5. Be Flexible: We all know life can happen and throw you for a loop. If you set aside time and something comes up, allow that to happen, but stick with your habit of journaling and make time for it later in the day. Just make it your goal to write something down, even if its just for 2 minutes stating your intention for the day. 
  6. Plan Ahead: Let's say you like to journal when you get home after your work day between 5:30-6 PM, but on Friday night you have a hot date planned or a family gathering. This is where you have the power to choose if you want to be late to an event holding a boundary with your healing or if you would like to plan ahead and journal in the morning before going to work talking about how excited you are for the events coming up that evening. Or if you would like to journal after you get get back and wind down for bed talking about your experience and what you are grateful for. Changing the type of journaling, or the way you journal is just a process and a must for life when things rattle us up from routine, remeber to be flexible. The fun part is when it comes to journaling, there is no right or wrong way. What feels best for you is the right way.
  7. Gain Support: Whether you live in a household full of energy and other people, just you and your husband, or by yourself, let some one know what you are doing so you can not only gain support from some one else, but you also have an accountability partner. You can tell them to either allow you that length of time you set aside (especially if you have kids) or if you live alone, tell your friend so they can ask you how your mindful journaling habit is coming along. Have courage during this step because it will help you thrive and be successful.

Maximizing Your Mindful Journaling Experience

To get the most out of your mindful journaling practice, consider these tips:

  1. Consistency: The more you write, the more you'll benefit from this practice. Try to journal daily, even if it's just for a few minutes. Remember to block off your calendar, or to set reminders from your favorite app. 
  2. Set Objectives: Establish what you hope to achieve from your mindful journaling practice and set goals for yourself. This will keep you motivated and focused. This can range from determining what type of journal you want, gratitude, art, brain dump, plant journal, fitness journal, personal junk, poetry, pregnancy. It just depends on your lifestyle and where you are are on the journey.
  3. Experiment with Prompts: To enhance your journaling experience, try using prompts to guide your writing. There are many great resources available online and through apps that offer prompts for mindfulness and self-reflection. Just try googling what you are looking for to achieve. For example, "journal prompts for personal development and self confidence".
  4. Track Your Progress: Regularly take time to reflect on your progress and what you've learned from your journaling practice. This can help you identify areas where you've made progress and areas that need more focus. For example, if you are journaling to help just release emotions, take note of how you are feeling through out your day after the first few days. Then check back in within two weeks. Did you notice a shift in your responses when you had that pesky encounter with your boss the other day? Do you notice yourself feeling less anxious when going into that place that gives you emotional turmoil? Do you feel more support within yourself to trust your next big decision?
  5. Have Patience: Mindful journaling is a journey, not a race. Enjoy the path you take to discover the best of you. Journaling is a place where you can go, get lost in and have no judgment while releasing any emotional state from extreme depression, to extreme euphoria. Just remember that even on the good days, to do your good habits. This will help anchor in your mind successful tools for when life really hits the fan.

Overcoming Challenges with Mindful Journaling

Although mindful journaling is a powerful tool for self-discovery and growth, it can be difficult to stick with it, especially if you're facing challenges in your life. Here are some tips for overcoming common challenges in your mindful journaling practice:

  • Lack of Time: If you're struggling to find time to journal, try setting aside just 5-10 minutes each day. You can also try journaling while you're on the go, such as during your morning commute or while you're waiting in line. Sometimes, even talking into a phone or a recorder can be a form of mindful journaling. Just allow yourself to be your own therapist and get whatever thoughts from your head out and recycled through energy. Remember, you can always plan ahead and be flexible.
  • Difficulty with Vulnerability: Writing down your thoughts and emotions can be scary, especially if you're not used to being vulnerable. Not just vulnerable, but vulnerable with yourself. If you feel discouraged because some one is going to read your journal, overcome this challenge by burning the paper you write on so one else can read it, getting a password protected journal, or using a password protected document. I's important to remember that your journal is a safe space for you to be honest and authentic. Treat it as an extension of yourself. If you cannot be vulnerable with yourself, who can you be vulnerable with?
  • Feeling Unmotivated or Have Lack of Energy: Hey! You're not alone. If you're feeling unmotivated, try setting specific goals for your journaling practice. Maybe switching up your journaling style from brain dumping to gratitude or affirmation journaling can help you boost your energy and confidence levels. Or trying a different category of journaling more like a workbook that allows you guided prompts each day. You can also reflect on your progress for a few days and what changes your notice in yourself, or try using prompts to guide your writing, or check back in with the person you talked to about this new habit you are cultivating and where you are at on the journey and how you have been feeling. 

Mindful Journaling and the Power of Self-Reflection

One of the most powerful aspects of mindful journaling is the ability to reflect on your thoughts and emotions. By regularly writing down your experiences, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your patterns of behavior. This can help you make informed decisions, build resilience, and improve your overall well-being.

But mindful journaling is more than just writing down your thoughts. It's about taking the time to reflect on your experiences, to gain insight into your patterns of behavior and thought, and to identify areas of your life that you may want to change. And it's about doing all of this in a non-judgmental way, so that you can grow and evolve in a healthy, positive way.

Mindful Journal Prompts to Get You Started

  1. Set a timer for 3 minutes and close your eyes and focus on your breathing only. What thoughts came up while you did this? Use your thoughts as a method to determine what to write about, what you need to release steam about, or what you focus on that day.
  2. Write a letter to your younger self. What advice would you give him or her, what would you reflect on or what would you want them to know about you now?
  3. If money wasn't an issue, what would you do with your time, your money, where would you live, and how would you life be different? 
  4. Consider your life as a whole. How do you feel life is going for you right now?
  5. What goals do you have related to mindfulness and what category of life do you want to master? Better relationships, better self confidence? Better work/life balance, etc.
  6. Where do you see yourself in five years?
  7. What does mindful living mean to you?
  8. What can you do differently tomorrow?
  9. Finish this statement: I no longer believe in.....
  10. Find your favorite mantra and write it until you fill an entire 1-2 pages within your notebook worth. Stating it to yourself out loud and in your head. For example, " I am worthy" or "Sa Ta Na Ma"

A Light To the End of The Tunnel

Taking the advice of her therapist, Willow set aside time for mindful journaling in her schedule. She started by determining what type of journaling she wanted to use, and discovered she really enjoyed a spiraled notebook to bend her pages backwards.

She began writing about thoughts or feelings that came up during the day or simply reflecting on how things were going - To help stay consistent with the practice, she blocked out specific times in her calendar and set reminders for them. She also told her good friend Lisa about her new habit she was building and integrating within her life.

At first it felt strange; Willow had never been one for self-reflection before but soon enough, it became something she looked forward to at the end of each day. As time went on, however, she realized that different days called for different types of reflection: sometimes more analytical thinking was needed while other times just talking through emotions helped more effectively manage them instead of avoiding them like before.

The flexibility made all the difference and has since become one of Willow's most treasured practices when managing stress both inside and outside work life and completely stopped using external substances after 4 months time finding that she can rely on herself as an outlet for true growth, and empowerment.


Is it necessary to have a specific time for journaling every day?

No, it is not necessary to have a specific time for journaling every day, but having a set time can help establish a routine and make journaling a habit. However, it's more important to find a time that works for you and that you're able to stick to.

What should I write about in my mindful journal?

You can write about anything you'd like in your mindful journal. Some people write about their thoughts and emotions, while others focus on their experiences and observations. The key is to write in a non-judgmental way and allow yourself to be honest and vulnerable.

Can I use prompts to help guide my writing?

Yes, using prompts can be a helpful tool for guiding your writing and getting the most out of your mindful journaling practice. There are many great resources available online that offer prompts for mindfulness and self-reflection.

How do I know if mindful journaling is working for me?

The benefits of mindful journaling can be different for each person, but some common indicators that it is working include feeling more clarity and insight into your thoughts and emotions, improved mental health, increased resilience, and better sleep. Regularly reflecting on your progress and what you've learned from your journaling practice can also help you determine if it's working for you.

I tried Mindful Journaling and I lost Motivation, what Can I do?

Mindful journaling is not a race, yet a marathon. It is an extension of yourself through self discovery and it can be hard when focusing and putting emphasis on yourself and how you are a actually feeling. If you lost motivation or steam on your journaling journey, ask yourself mindful questions about if it is time to shift your physical style of journal, your type of journaling method, and what is your goal. Are you looking for some where to vent, or you looking to boost your brain power through affirmations and gratitude, are you looking for confidence, or are you looking for everything and just need to not be so ridged on labeling your journal?


Mindful journaling is a powerful tool for self-discovery, clarity, and growth. By combining mindfulness, being present with how you are feeling in the moments, with the act of writing in a journal, you can gain clarity, build resilience, and improve your overall well-being. Whether you're just getting started or have been journaling for years, there's always room to grow and evolve. So why not try incorporating mindful journaling into your daily routine and see what benefits it can bring to your life? Comment below how journaling has changed your life!

About the author 

Kylie Green

Blogger for Mindfulrevelations
Kylie Green was born and raised just outside New York City. Kylie values being present and at the moment because life is short. If she isn’t spending time with her friends and family, you can almost always find her meditating outside in nature. Mindfulrevelations is her passion project and wishes to fulfill her dream of building a spiritually-driven community.

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