Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a therapeutic approach that helps individuals manage emotions, thoughts, & behaviors in a more mindful & productive way.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy DBT

February 6, 2023

Life can be unpredictable and managing our emotions can be challenging. Negative thoughts and harmful behaviors can take over and make it difficult to live a meaningful and fulfilling life. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) offers a solution for individuals who are struggling with intense emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits and how DBT can be a powerful tool for individuals seeking a more mindful existence.

What is Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)?

DBT is a therapeutic approach developed in the 1980s by psychologist Marsha Linehan. It is a form of cognitive-behavioral therapy that aims to help individuals manage intense emotions, thoughts, and behaviors by balancing acceptance and change. The therapy involves a combination of individual therapy sessions, group skills training, and phone coaching to help individuals understand the causes of their negative emotions and develop new coping skills.

How Does DBT Work?

The three components of DBT work together to provide individuals with the support they need to improve their emotional regulation, interpersonal skills, and overall mental health. In individual therapy sessions, the therapist helps the patient understand the causes of their negative emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. Group skills training focuses on teaching new coping skills and ways to manage emotions in a more productive manner. Phone coaching provides real-time support for patients who are experiencing intense emotions or negative thoughts.

Benefits of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT):

  • Improved Emotional Regulation DBT helps individuals develop new coping skills and strategies for managing intense emotions, allowing them to regulate their emotions in a more effective manner.
  • Enhanced Interpersonal Skills Through group skills training, individuals learn how to improve their communication and relationship-building skills, leading to stronger and more meaningful connections with others.
  • Decreased Maladaptive Behaviors DBT helps individuals identify and address negative thoughts and behaviors that contribute to maladaptive behaviors, leading to a decrease in these behaviors over time.
  • Improved Mental Health DBT has been shown to be effective in treating a wide range of mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, borderline personality disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder.


How long does DBT typically last?

DBT typically lasts 6-12 months, although the length of therapy will depend on the individual’s needs and progress.

Is DBT covered by insurance?

Coverage for DBT by insurance will depend on the specific insurance plan and individual location. It is best to check with your insurance provider for more information.

Who can benefit from DBT?

DBT can be beneficial for individuals struggling with intense emotions, negative thoughts, and harmful behaviors. It has been shown to be effective in treating a range of mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, borderline personality disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Is DBT only for individuals with mental health conditions?

DBT is not only for individuals with mental health conditions, but it can be beneficial for anyone looking to improve their emotional regulation, interpersonal skills, and overall mental health.


In conclusion, Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) offers a powerful solution for individuals seeking a more mindful and fulfilling life. Through individual therapy sessions, group skills training, and phone coaching, DBT helps individuals manage their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in a more productive way. Whether you’re struggling with a mental health condition or simply looking to improve your emotional regulation and interpersonal skills, DBT can provide the support and guidance you need.

About the author 

Kylie Green

Blogger for Mindfulrevelations
Kylie Green was born and raised just outside New York City. Kylie values being present and at the moment because life is short. If she isn’t spending time with her friends and family, you can almost always find her meditating outside in nature. Mindfulrevelations is her passion project and wishes to fulfill her dream of building a spiritually-driven community.

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