Mindful coloring is a meditative activity that helps reduce stress and anxiety. Discover how mindful coloring can improve your mental health.

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  • Mindful Coloring: 7 Best Blissful Mindful Coloring Books to Alleviate Stress

February 16, 2023

Living in a fast-paced world can be overwhelming and stressful, leading to anxiety and other mental health issues. Fortunately, there are many ways to alleviate stress, and one of the most popular is mindful coloring. This simple and creative activity can help you relax and focus on the present moment, and in this article, we will discuss its benefits and how to practice it.

Benefits of Mindful Coloring

  1. Reduces Stress and Anxiety: Guided mindful coloring is a proven technique for reducing stress and anxiety. Coloring helps calm the mind and release tension in the body. It's a form of active meditation that allows you to forget about your worries and concentrate on the task at hand.
  2. Enhances Concentration and Focus: Practicing mindful coloring requires focus and concentration, which can help improve your cognitive abilities. It can boost your attention span, memory, and problem-solving skills.
  3. Fosters Creativity: Mindful coloring is a creative activity that lets you express yourself through color and design. It can unleash your imagination and provide a healthy outlet for self-expression.
  4. Improves mood: Research concluded that mindful coloring is great for a short term effect of boosting the mood. Getting lost in the moment being present with all your senses allow you to connect with your most inner, child self.
  5. Promotes Better Sleep: Mindful coloring can also help you sleep better. It's a relaxing activity that can help you unwind before bedtime, reduce racing thoughts, and improve the quality of your sleep.

Why Mindful Coloring Works

Everyone has their prefence on how to be mindful. If the goal is to be present in the moment, why not take something that you already do and enhance it with mindfulness? Or take something that you used to love to bring you back to the hear and now with all your senses.

Mindfulness coloring is an effective way to bring order back into your life and reduce anxiety. This calming activity works its magic when you choose a complex design which requires the right amount of concentration - not too simple or overly complicated. Coloring will help eliminate 'inner chaos' and restore balance, allowing you to achieve a meditative state, creating more peace in your day-to-day life.

How to Practice Mindful Coloring

  1. Choose Your Coloring Materials: To start practicing mindful coloring, you need coloring materials such as coloring books, colored pencils, markers, or crayons, oil crayons, etc. Choose materials that you enjoy using and feel comfortable in your hand.
  2. Dedicate time: Set aside time for your to fully immerse yourself into your project. You can block out time on your calendar; let a loved one know you are unavailable during a certain time period for support.
  3. Find a Quiet and Comfortable Space: It's crucial to find a quiet and comfortable space to practice mindful coloring. Pick a place where you won't be disturbed, and where you feel relaxed and can let loose while getting mindful.
  4. Play some meditative or background music: Choose some music to help you get lost in the moment will help for your success. For example, you can play an ethnic downtempo, lo-fi, or track from YouTube that suits your mood.
  5. Turn off distractions and set a timer: It's better to be mindful in the moment without looking at your phone or electronic devices. Put everything in Do Not Disturb and set a timer so you can fully immerse knowing it's okay to get lost in time until that timer goes off. The key is to give yourself permission.
  6. Begin Coloring: Once you have steps 1-5 set, with maybe lighting a candle or incent for ambiance, choose a design or pattern that you like from one of your mindful coloring pages, and focus on the colors and designs to help your mind relax until that timer goes off.
  7. Focus on all your senses: Mindfulness is all about being present in the moment and aware of all five of your senses.
  8. Document or reflect: Reflecting on your experience at the end is important to make sure you like the coloring book, the style, the music, or if you need to change something up in the environment or mindful activity all together. You know yourself best so play around with trial and error.

7 Best Mindful Coloring Books

1. Colour Yourself Calm

Experience the power of mindfulness and creativity with Colour Yourself Calm: A Mindfulness Colouring Book. 

This book is your guide to unlock stress, calmness and peace. It is filled with beautiful full color mandalas each with a double page spread equivalent to its black outlined copy. It allows you to creatively express yourself while practicing simple mindfulness techniques.

As you delve into this engaging activity, let go off all negative energy as it prepares your mind for a state similar to meditation.

2. Earth and Space Coloring Book

With the Earth and Space Coloring Book, explore a fantastical universe beyond our world! Let your creative spirit soar as you color in mesmerizing images from outer space. Each page contains an amazing photograph of distant galaxies captured by NASA's Hubble telescope. These views and pages include breathtaking views of Jupiter and Saturn or get lost among ethereal star clusters, nebula, and supernovae all brought to life with intricate illustrations requiring concentration for completion. Discover great heights right inside this book!

3. Modern Meditation: Coloring for Focus and Creativity

Escape into a world of creativity with Modern Meditation: Coloring For Focus & Creativity! Developed by psychologist Stan Rodski, this book offers 75 unique pattern designs to help guide you through an energizing and calming mind journey. With insight from Neuroscience research, this coloring activity allows users to experience single focus amidst creative repetition - the perfect combination for improved brain functioning.

4. Adult Coloring Book: Anxiety and Stress Relieving Designs

Bask in a meditative serenity with this captivating collection of animal mandalas. Each page features intricate and detailed designs or playful patterns that will bring out your inner artist while promoting relaxation that is perfect for when life's stresses become overwhelming. With over 50 pages designed by skilled illustrators, find solace and peace with the help of these beautiful animals.

5. The Reverse Coloring Book: The Book Has the Colors You Draw the Lines

Discover a world of creativity, mindfulness and self-discovery with Reverse Coloring! Artist Kendra Norton has crafted beautiful works to inspire you. It is so simple yet profoundly satisfying. Follow the shapes, let your imagination doodle away and explore the possibilities on each page as no "lines" hold you back. Every piece is printed single sided on durable paper that is also perforated for easy removal to display your art anything you feel called. This type of coloring empowers artistic confidence while calming your mind.

6. Mindful Mandalas & Crystals Coloring Book

Access inner zen with 100 unique crystals and mandalas in this stunning Mindfulness Coloring Book for Adults. Experience the magical power of stress-relief, mindfulness practice, meditation techniques - cultivating happiness and calming your emotions whenever you need it! Let powerful energy manifest as you bring these beautiful designs to life. Perfect for relieving anxiety & ADHD pain or promoting relaxation & mental clarity.

7. A World of Stress Relieving Patterns Adult Coloring Book

Unwind and explore the beautiful, hand-drawn patterns of nature with our stress-relieving coloring book! Escape from your everyday chaos through a journey into tranquility, relaxation and fantasy with original landscapes that will fill you with peace.


Do I need to be an artist to practice mindful coloring?

No, you don't need to be an artist to practice mindful coloring. It's a simple and relaxing activity that anyone can do, regardless of their artistic skills.

Is mindful coloring suitable for children?

Yes, mindful coloring is an excellent activity for children too. It's a fun and engaging way to improve their focus, concentration, and creativity.

How long should I practice mindful coloring?

You can practice mindful coloring for as long as you like. It's a flexible activity that you can do for a few minutes or a few hours, depending on your schedule and preferences.


Mindful coloring is an easy and effective way to alleviate stress and anxiety. By focusing on the present moment, you can calm your mind and relax your body. Whether you're an adult or a child, anyone can practice mindful coloring and enjoy its benefits. So, why not grab your coloring materials and start coloring your stress away today? Comment below what your favorite coloring book and share with the community! We love trying new coloring books out.

About the author 

Kylie Green

Blogger for Mindfulrevelations
Kylie Green was born and raised just outside New York City. Kylie values being present and at the moment because life is short. If she isn’t spending time with her friends and family, you can almost always find her meditating outside in nature. Mindfulrevelations is her passion project and wishes to fulfill her dream of building a spiritually-driven community.

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